
Posts Tagged ‘ground orchid’

In addition to the stunning pink and purple bromeliad that I featured in an earlier posting, here are some shots of tropical plants that I observed in the “glasshouse” at Green Spring Gardens last week. The first two shots are of what I believe is a ground orchid—it may be a Phillippine Ground Orchid (Spathoglottis plicata), but there are a number of similar species, so I cannot be sure of the identification.

The third photo shows an orchid that is more typical of what I imagine when I think of an orchid. It is a little past its prime, but is still incredibly beautiful. The final photo is a close-up view of one of the many succulents that I observed. I love the geometric patterns of the multi-colored leaves in the image.

One of the nice things about taking photos indoors was that I did not have to worry about the wind creating movement. However, there was not a lot of space for maneuvering and the background was often cluttered, so I had to work hard to find pleasing angles for my photos.

This is a totally different style of photography that the bird photography I have been doing the past few months, but I think that it is good to mix things up a bit to keep from getting stuck in a rut photography-wise.

ground orchid

ground orchid



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